Developed by an Engineer and former
Fire Chief, we have the most advanced fire safety device in over a century --
Zone Dome
Like most of us, you might have added some helpful high-tech appliances and smart devices to your home lately. But if you’re relying on a ceiling smoke alarm and a canister fire extinguisher for fire detection and prevention, did you know you're using century-old technology to protect your family and home?
According to the U.S. National Fire Protection Association, a home fire is reported every 88 seconds it takes nearly 10 mins for first responders to arrive on the scene. In the time it takes for you to read this page – around 40 seconds – unchecked flames with deadly smoke, vapors and heat will have spread throughout your home before they arrive.
Isn't it time to disrupt the use of 100-year-old technology? We think so.

Amy Brandon
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Senior Care, Aging in Place, Self-Directed Care,
Long-Term Care, Medicaid, Medicare Advocate
By addressing fire safety, the Zone Dome brings peace of mind and freedom to those who want to maintain independent living.

Cy Bates
Managing Attorney Coastal Patent
Mechanical Engineer, CA State & USPTO Bar
This should be inside the kitchen by the stove of every house
in this country.